Monday, November 9, 2009

On the road again
2 mornings after the full moon party n still feel hung over as! Waaa it’s been smashing down with rain, which has been fine cause I haven’t really felt like doing anything n the rain nicely drops the temp from way to hot to still to hot! Hehe had our return trip booked already to leave koh phnang but our boat was delayed a few hours n other boat services cancelled completely cause of the weather! Few nervs as we boarded the boat which was bopping up n down over a meter at the wharf, eeek on a narrow as plank thinki! Not really in the mood for a swim! Bot ride was rough as, seeing the waves pass the windows a few times, pumped the ipod n tried to ignore the other pale and slightly green faces about the boat. 5 hours later, dry land! Nice for about 30 mins then stuffed on an overnight bus for 11 hours!! Not fun at all! Had to sit next to a smelly Irish bloke, who smelt like he’d been partying for 3 days at full moon he forgot to shower, ‘correct answer’!! woot lucky me 10 points! waaa

With bugger all sleep got dropped off in Bangkok at 4:30am!!! On a random street somewhere in the city! WTF!! Took us a while to sort out where we were, thank god for 24 hour maccas our only refuge. Our connecting train ride didn’t leave till 6 that night so we stuffed about in bangcok city far ages, so epic seeing al the hustle n bustle after island hopping for the last month. The shopping centres were like form another planet (Planet ‘If you can see it you can’t afford it’) all the designer labels, electronics, jewellery, diamonds, a massive aquarium the usual mall stuff! including Ferrari, Lamborghini! Not sure how they got the cars to the 3rd floor but… whatever! In the arvo went to see a Buddhist temple near china town, a short boar trip away. Haven’t seen many temples but this one was sooo huge and with mouth wide open I studied the intricate and painstaking detail of the whole place! Amassing! Took bout a million photos! Haha didn’t get the boat back n thought we’d go find china town! Further into the thick of it, I hadn’t seen any other tourists for at least 15 mins, which was a bit unnerving to say the least, wandering about the shops n stalls. Wandered into a random street, wow! Gun alley! A row of about 25 shops selling everything from every handgun imaginable tiny ones for handbags to hand cannons, AK-47’s, m-16’s, assault shotguns the works. The stalls on the street outside, ‘the ones usually selling food n toys n junk’, now packed to the hilt with ammo belt, leather holsters, practice targets, police batons, real flick knives! Not sticking around to become the demonstration dummies for the hardware, made a hasty exit, not after a heap of angry looks from the locals! Prob couldn’t find it again if I tried we were kinda lost! Haha but that’s what tuk tuks fare for! Fastest thing on 3 wheels!

Had an overnight train to Viet tani which was my first real train ride, n it was a sleeper, thought it would be a sic time to catch up on sleep. Nope! The thing was that loud n rickety was kinda scared as we hurtled out way north, slamming on the breaks every hour or so to pick up chickens n rice or whatever they were doing. Had a Small amount of sleep thanks to my previous over the counter purchase of prescription sleeping pills, nice n handy when you think your going to die on train!

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