Saturday, November 21, 2009

It’s a hard life!
So yesterday was my 3rd day tubing, no tube tho, just swim to the bars cheap as, bout 1.20$ for a taxi there, beers are 1.20$ big as long necks! Nice! There is a bottle of whiskey on every bar! It’s free help your self! Haha to the point where you can just take a whole bottle to your table! Not that you’d want to have too much cause its pretty rubbish, taste ok but the next day hangover, so bad! Controlled myself with the drinking, n powered through 12 hours of dancing n water sports! So good! But today no good at all I’m sic as can’t hold anything in, gut cramps n can’t sleep! Waaaa! spent the day in bed! N I was meant to go tubing again n meet up with mates form previous days! Waaaa! So sore from dancing my arms n legs Cain along with a sore gut! It’s been a good run 5 weeks eating everything and anything, first time sic! O well tubing tomorrow if I feel ok! Hehehe loving life!

All a bunch of wasters!
So that’s 4 days tubing n still loving life! Bought 1 drink all day! Got a job! Well sorta, had to give out cotton bracelets telling ppl that cheap as drinks at bar 2 and before 9 thirty they can get buckets for 10,000 at Q bar in town! Yep that’s right ppl third bottle of whiskey concentrate redbull and a dash of sprite or coke! Yep you guessed it that’s like 1.15$ aus! Hahaha most irresponsible service of alcohol since full moon party, only for helping out! got a few free drinks n danced n rope swinged myself through 7 bars along the river! Best time ever pitty I have to go tomoro off at 10! Out n about tonight meeting up with a heap pf ppl for dinner n then off to Q bar! See what tonight will bring! O YEAH!
(there are 3 blokes in this pic! one of them is wasted, can you tell which one???? HAHAHA)

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