Saturday, November 21, 2009

Lang probang
Headed off bout 10am n only just made it to the bus stop on time! Oops. Buss trip was about 10 hours n slept for a heap of it, waking every half an hour or so to my head hitting the window or chair in front as we smash over ditches and ruts in the road. The countryside was so beautiful steep as mountains and hectic dodge as roads, average speed of about 40kmh! The bus broke down but the Laos bus driver sorted it out tho pulled something out n had it fixed n back in within 20 mins!
Matt n jesses mate soph is starting out on her 4 month SE Asian holiday n came to meet us in Lang probang, nice to see a familiar face. She lived in Jindabyne last season and gave us a lift to the airport in Sydney. Lang probabg is such a nice as place loads of culture n really nice atmosphere, we went n saw the monks do their parade at 6 am one morning, theirs about 100 of them snaking through the town in single file with ppl giving them food, flowers n gifts. Was amazing to see them all with their shaved heads n orange roabs, huge range of ages some really old, to young kids bout 12.
We went n checked out the silk weaving n spinning over the river, was interesting as to see how It’s done so painstaking. On average takes one lady about a month to make a 2m y 1m piece of silk. Pending on the quality of the silk all really cheap and couldn’t find anything over 100$. Sorry mum only thing I could afford was to take photos! Hehe. Saw a lady making paper by hand in a screen like grade 4 art style. They make all sorts of lanterns n books n albums, the kinds of things your mum n grandmother would froth over.
Went to see a waterfall (another one) but this one made up for the other dud ones we couldn’t find! Wow! So massive, and the water running down was a aqua milky blue from the mineral content, there were pools lined with mineral deposits formed for millions or years, there was a rope swing at one point (wofle compared to tubing hehe) but made a really nice place for a swim, nice n cool n didn’t matter it started to rain.

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