Sunday, November 15, 2009

A day to remember
OMG!!! The most scared I’ve been in my entire life!!! No joke!
Rolled into getting sorted for the tubing experience aboat mid day, bit hung over form the epic last night I had smashing buchets n dancing my ass off! Haha just can’t help myself haha. Jumped on a tuk tuk n headed to the start line getting pumped up by the randoms who were raving about it n were going for their 2nd day in a row! Not to mention the guy who has been every day for 320 days!! Another bloke 108, Swedish chic I met 18 days, the list goes on! And I can see why!! I’m finding it really hard to put it into words! But basically the biggest rope swings I’ve ever seen + a river + alcohol + defining loud music + mud pits + body paint = AWSEOME!! Ppl say it’s like Ibiza on water! can’t remember having a better time anywhere! ….. But then!
19 hours later! 7 am! Shit! my head hurts, I’ve lost an earring, my bathroom is covered in mud, I had to smash the loch off the door to my room cause matt n jess had my key, wow what an epic day n night! Thought better go see if matt n jess r ok, I lost them at sum point in the arvo. They didn’t answer the door after me bashing on it. Got a key from reception to check if they were just passed out asleep in there! Nope not in there room! O shit where are they! Waited about for an hour, went looking in town, went o sunrise bar where they might be passed out sum where! Nope! Shit! So scared cause when I last saw them we were heaps pissed! 3 ppl this year have died doing tubing n heres me thinking it’s going to he 5!! Stressing big time, almost to the point of being sic. Sitting I my room peaking out trying not to think about it, passing time n thinking where the closest police station or hospital was!…. bout an hour n a half later, tap tap on my door! Awesome mat n jess r ok! They lost each other down the river jess was sitting on her own with a Laos bloke round a fire when she heard matt yelling help from the river! No idea how they found each other! Completely lost n no one around! And in the dark now! They ended up sleeping on some deck thing in the middle of nowhere! With a friendly as Laos fisherman! They got up n floated for an hour before getting back to town! Not before doing shots with their new found friend! I was so happy n relived they were ok! Never been so scared in my life! Totally doing it again! See how I feel in a few hours! Waster! Hahaha loving life! Small bad incident tho, matts camera is stuffed! Water n mud not such a good idea! Bummer.

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