Sunday, November 8, 2009

Party time!

Booked a night bus trip with connecting boat trip to coh pinang, party island! Such a good time to travel at night kills the time so well, was a bit nervus because I don’t travel very well on boats but the big blue bath tub was awesome. Whole length of the boat was one long bed everyone next to each other haha funny as. Slept the whole time n arrived at dawn, getting to out accom about 7, we had to sit about n wait for the workers to get up before we could get our bungalows. The only accom we booked form aus cause of the full moon party! Busy as! At 60$ for 4 nights it’s the most expensive place we’ve stayed, lush as tho really cute bungalows hot shower!! Whoa! Lap of luxury! Haha the beaches are awesome white sand n epic blue water. Still working on my killer tan, darkest I’ve been on my life, my ass glows in the dark it’s that white! Haha funny as. Met some south African ppl n partied with them a few nights ago, drinking the mini bar and charging drinks to the room, N swimming at 2 am beers in hand, Such a good night. Met up with mates we met in koh lanta, Dan, Soph, Dougan and Amanda, hired scooters n bommed about the island in search of waterfalls. Didn’t find any! So shit, they’re all marked out on the maps but such a liar! Still had fun burning about on gravel n rainforest tracks almost coming off, not such a hot idea with a helmet that doesn’t fit, shorts n no top on!

Went out the night before the full moon party so amazing! So many ppl, awesome music belting out of speakers stacked like jenga at a million decibels. Danced my ass off, dringing vodka redbull in buckets! Never seen such an irresponsible service of alcohol! Epic! You can get concentrated redbull here in small bottles 1 bottle = 10 normal redbull! So that means I had 60 redbulls last night only diluted with a bottle of vodka, no wonder I couldn’t sleep! Oops! Hahaha. N that was the night BEFORE the main full moon party!

From dusk till dawn

The day of the full moon party started rough for me, hung over as, but nothing could reck this night. Such a build up with the most tourists I’ve seen yet. A weird mood dawned over the whole place with brooding anticipation of the biggest and most dangerous beach party in the world only hours away, Everyone sitting about smashing water n food preparing for the night of nights. The ride to the party was so hectic, 12 of us in the back of a ute holding on for dear life as we hurtled along the most intense road twisting n turning up n down like a roller coaster. I like to call it ‘white-knuckle transport’, not actually sure if we’ll make it anywhere in one piece, Hehe fun tho, in a scary way. Met up with Dan’s group again preparing our selves with fluro body paint n trying not to drink to early so we can make to at least dawn! The party’s peaking at 5am and going till well into the next day, after party’s kicking off at 11am!!! Well wasted! The next 12 hours were a bit of a blurry mess of fire shows, dancing, drinking and generally having the best time ever!!! Mat thought it would be funny to throw sand on me whilst I was lying on the sand, couldn’t see out of one eye for ages! Never been so sandy in my life! I got him back tho, I can’t remember going it but I got a heap in his mouth, matt tried to wash it out with beer, but jess piped up n said don’t waste beer! so mat drank sandy muddy beer! Hahaha so funny! It’s a must; at least once in your lifetime do a full moon party (riot) hahaha so good. At a guess bout 20,000 to 30,000 ppl all smashed off their faces, dancing he night away! Haha epic! As the night got on saw some of the messiest ppl I’ve ever seen, ppl face down in the sand passed out! Matt saved a bloke who passed out whilst standing up, just keeled over in waste deep water!!! Not such a good idea! Haha Can’t remember the trip home just woke up in bed covered in a ton of sand, body paint half worn off, heap of glow sticks a sore shoulder WTF! A cut on my toe, paint in my hair, and hung over much?!!! My god it’s about 10pm now n I’m only just feeling ok. Hahaha and all this for the basement bargen price of 35$ Hahaha so worth it, lets have it large n go again! Hahaha

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