Sunday, November 15, 2009

After a full ray recovering!
Hired some scooters bout lunchtime, headed in search of the caves on the island an a place called blue lagoon, wow so epic! The lagoon was this epic water whole, rope swings, the usual bars n such, the water was a turquoise colour cause of the minerals running out of the cave up the hill. Was nice to swim in cool water for once, the ocean and rivers so far have been like a bath! Up into the cave with one torch between the 3 of us, so huge like natures cathedral. 35m atleast to the top and 60 across n headed back into the black bat cave! Mat cut his foot when tubing n was limping bad so we didn’t go in to far but still so amazing! On the way up to the cave wasn’t to bad, like a ladder but on the wsy down, jeeez! Controlled fall! Haha dense as jungle with a cool breeze flowing out of the cave was a nice change. On the way home tried heading to another cave but was a 30 min walk to get into it, n with matts foot we decided against it. But wild life wow, herds of cows on the gravel road with young ones in tow, it’s the time of year I suppose. Puppies dashing across the road made the drive interesting almost crashed into the back of Matt’s scooter cause of baby chickens! Haha. Awww! Got off the graven in search of another cave n belting on a thin as bush track come around a corner n full on into about 15 water buffalo! Huge animals, quick u bolt n into the trees for cover, fearful as animals so epic to see them in the wild! With babies and 2 albino buffalo would have been a sic Kodak moment! O yeah that’s right we got wasted n broke our camera yesterday! haha O well one for the memory! On the way home stopped for a snack, really close to the start of the tubing bars! Couldn’t resist! Do it again! On my own! Met up with a few mates form yesterday. Hahaha epic few hours n didn’t do to large cause I still had to drive. Driving a scooter is hard enough on these roads with pot wholes n no apparent road rules! Now have to drive on the right had side! Laos was colonised by the French, thus driving on the right! Haha. All good tho, organised to do it all again tomorrow! I love tubing! Haha wish you were all here!

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