Sunday, November 29, 2009

Chiangmai city
The city town here is awesome, really nice city with a relaxed vibe, heaps smaller that Bangkok but heaps cultural. We met up with Shaye n Lee who r travelling through Asia on the way to live with us in France, well meet up with them in Paris in a few days. Was heaps good swapping stories n hearing what they’ve been up to on their travels so far.
We’re staying at the nicest place in the city, a 2 story wooden Thai house run by young artists n musicians, really relaxed and so chilled it’s horizontal. We met them out the other night when we went for a few drinks in an area called rege street was heaps more than just rege tho, jazz bands on one bar old school cover band in another, and a Thai metal band! So epic, Thai punks everywhere doing fire shows n creating chaos! Haha ended us drinking with the Thai guys from our place till the early hours! So much fun! The weekend market was so big with food and so much cheap clothes and souvenirs, went there 2 nights in a row and ate o much I felt sic, but the food is so good I just don’t realise I’m full n just keep eating. Haha
We hired scooters n headed up to a temple on the mountain near chang mai city, was a fun scooter trip but the temple was a but ho hum, seen a few n there all the same. The temperature is so mild it’s sometimes cold as, up the mountain was soo cold in the shade, hooking along on the scooter wishing I had brought a jumper with me. We also went to the tiger kingdom, awesome! We decided to pay n go in the cage with 3 tigers, so so good to see the magic animals up close n pat them. We hired a photographer to take photos of us! So worth it all up bout 10$ aus! Saw baby cubs and the old huge male ‘Rambo’ weighing in at 350kg! Such a massive creature, n so glad we went to see them!

We had to regrettably leave chang mai and head back to Bangkok for out connecting flight to France. We arrived in the city in a place called kasan road, Wow bout 5 am and lady boys n drunk tourists everywhere, rank! Got a shitty as room, it didn’t even have a power point! And on the 5th floor but load of stairs, waaa! Not even slightly bad compared to what happened to matt n jess. They had 10,000 bart stolen from them at sum stage on the bus trip to Bangkok. And they only just realised when they went to pay for the room. It’s about 350$ aus, really shit seeing we will be in France in 2 days, we all need all the money we can get!
We headed out on out last night in Thailand, thought we might go out with a bang n we we did that in style! Night started at a bar with a live band, which was really good, thai blokes doing covers of old classics, they love it! Met a heap of ppl all on the way throught Bangkok, hearing stories n telling a few of my own, Funny stuff. Went exploring the town a bit later on n found a club, which I had to be patted down to get in. was so huge, a really basic unassuming entrance with all the lights off, opened up into an epic space with a really high sealing stone bar with couches, and a huge DJ stage, lasers, good music, so nice. After that finished bout 2 causeof the curfew headed to a street stall to drink a few more beers, then another bar back in town. Just stayed there drinking n chatting till 11am! Didn’t bother going to bed, haha so much fun! Part from I got my camera stolen at sum point! Waaa only lost a few snaps n the camera was a bit buggered anyway, still ******* annoying. Later on that day bout 9pm headed to the airport, next stop France!

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