Tuesday, October 20, 2009

hey all, my trip in thailand has been so fun, wanted to write t all down! share it as well!

i'll keep it updated when there is net! woot


Landed in Phuket was the biggest shock for me, for starters the heat was like a punch in the face and a wet one at that bout 30 deg, night and humidity to boot. The culture was next shock with about 30 Thai blokes yelling at us “took took” where you go? Taxi? You pay? All at the same time, ahhh! Hasn’t really stopped with varying degrease of harshness. Rolled into Phuket town at night on the way to the backpackers, biggest blow out with scooters bikes n cars flying about in a messy dodgem game with no rules. Even the red n green lights have countdown timers so you can speed up from ages away so you can shoot through at the last second. Fun only if you’re driving!
In Phuket town staying at a backpackers pretty basic but the air con was lush even though the unit was the size of a mini van, sounded like a waterfall and I slept within a foot of it, Bit it was cold so all good. Session a few day markets an early morning one where the restaurant owners shop was interesting as, heap of produce, piles of fish, spices and pastes, which smelled awesome! Thai pancakes, which are really thin dough with sugar and condensed milk wrapped in paper, at 20 THB, bout 60c can’t go wrong.
Travelled about Phuket n onto the coast where we found ourselves (like many times in the last few days) drinking 6.5% beer which usually come s in a longneck ad costs about 3$, before midday! Haha bit jetlagged still! Harassed about on the beach drinking and getting burnt as. Fun as!

Phi Phi

Early buss trip in a cramped as mini buss dropped us at a port where a ferry was to take us to phi phi, along with 100+ Indian men all taking enough still images if edited together would make a high def video of the whole boat ride. Not really sure why but some of them started taking pics of matt jess n I! Prob cause we were still white as with patched of red burnt skin! Now that I think of it prob looked like a magic mushroom! Hahaha
The boat took us past the back of phi phi n around to “The Beach” bout a million boats crowded around looked epic but decided to give it a miss, good thing to cause the best was still to come.
We had arranged via some ppl selling accommodation on the boat (cause we hadn’t organize anything at this stage, hehe) to stay a few beaches away from the main beach, such a good choice, we burned up to thin place with shanty bamboo huts, with Rastafarian flags flying, to the friendliest ppl. I was wondering at this stage y everything was looking a bit run down and ppl frantically building things n cleaning. We’ve arrived in Thailand at the start of the busy season so there all trying to get things sorted, Thai style! Very slow! Haha was sic as tho, relaxed on the beaches, and went snorkelling to near buy beaches!! Soooo good with like 2 ppl on them! N THE FISH! WOW so amazing, have never see so many types. No wonder mum n dad are advanced divers! I took a heap of shots with my underwater camera but its a bit old n showed it cause it’s now busted! Oops! Got a few good ones tho.
Met a few French boy’s n went into phi phi main town! So hectic, so many tourists from all over! Sic night jumping through fire hoops n skipping ropes on fire wan fun as, o yeah n the local bar ppl giving you shots every time you did! To say the least I did it quite a few times! Tried to learn a bit of French from them but was waster n forgot most of it! Haha.

Early start morning, n we’re off to Krabi, not sure if I’m feeling ok or still drunk! Found out bout ten mins into the hour n a half boat ride I was still pissed n was all down hill from there, curled up on the handrail of the boat, asleep for most of it, matt n jess got a few good shots of me as a sleepy pirate! Arrrgzzzzzzzz!
Heap pf locals trying to get us into taxis and buy accommodation awaited us on arrival, spoke to a bloke who was really nice called JP he had cheap rooms on krabi town. Sounded good at the time n ended up being awesome, close as to the locals market where it seemed all the locals were eating, awesome fruits and curries, mainly Muslim area.
Went for beers at a local tattoo place, spoke to the artist there ended up being number one in Thailand! Matt decided to get the tattoo done that he’s always wanted, few beers n shots with the Thai boys, one tattoo and a sing along followed, epic night!

Met bloke who came for a holiday 2 years ago n hasn’t left yet, told us we should head up town to a 10-day festival. Ended up being awesome local music, covers of old school American classics (they love it there). Big blow out with all the stalls selling flick knives butterfly knives swords replica handguns as bb guns! Haha funny

Thought we might hire some scooters for the day so we headed out in search of the hot springs, finally made it with a few navigation issues, hectic Thai traffic, a scooter with no Speedo (not that it matters here). O yeah almost forgot got pulled over by the Thai police!!! Shitting my pants when he asked for my licence so excited getting on my scooter totally forgot!!! Through broken English the cop wanted 300! I was awww no! 300 American!! Had to pay, no arguing with these ppl, so went over to the cop shop on the side of the road n only ended up being 300 bart bout 9$ aus! Few!!! So relieved! Bach on the road n into the jungle. AMASING crystal clear waters and 42deg!!! Wow so hot! Soooo nice, had minerals n some other natural junk in the water, felt good as getting out of the water n feeling cool again, even just or a second!
Waterfalls were next on the list! Burning about this beautiful country on a scooter is so nice, seeing all the farms and local ppl, trucks packed to the hilt, usually of a fruit that smells like S#!T. Saw an elephant, matt n jess saw a snake, Epic shear cliffs and dense as jungle. Found the waterfall along with a million types of bugs, not my favourite, but the water was fresh and the falls spectacular.

Decided to go on an organised long boat snorkelling trip with few other tourists, went to a reef and 3 beaches, apart from the Asians, squealing if a fish the size of your hand came within 10 meters of them. It was awesome, I recon the Vis would have been at least 20m, saw so many types of fish, little ones big ones, meter long barracouta! Eeek! Had to be after my camera broke so no under water pics WAAAAAA! O yeah n we found nemo!!! So epic and perfect in a soft wispy long choral with the whole family bout 5 all up bout 80mm to the baby one bout 15mm, so cute! Went to a place caller Rae lee, has an epic beach but if you’re a climber, or even impressed by the sport this place is amazing with 100+ shear cliffs, caves n countless climbs to do it’s paradise buy this time mat n jesses camera had run out of battery! Dimmitt!!! Heading back on the boat you could see tiny specks on the cliff face ppl climbing such an impressive sight.

Koh Lanta
Headed off from krabi by van and ferry, took about 3 hours but soooo worth it, this place is to be said as the new place to be. Well it will be in a few months, a lot of building going on amping up for summer. Found a place to stay called Lanta beach resort, 200 bart a night, dbl bed with fan and own bathroom! Epic. Came home yesterday to find a woman making my bed! Hahahaha sweet!
The Thai ppl love Rastafarian life and Bob Marley! So many flags flying and a heap of the locals sporting hemp t’s. Went to a bar called Opium! No shit! Haha epic party free bbq, met a heap of ppl form England getting married here, such an epic place to splash out in luxury, well as long as the “magic menu” doesn’t take all your cash!!! Hahaha no shit we followed some painted signs that said mushy shakes on the scooters, took us to an amasing beach bar with blokes whacked as cats. Had a few beers deciding on what to do next….. the owner comes over with a tray of bottles. All with a different snake inside!!!! Sea snake some brown one a small sea snake n some other random snake. He said “for you to try” wow hell yes! they keep the snakes in the bottles for 5 days then fill up with whatever booz, I think it was the local spirit! O yeah n the one we chose also had a scorpion in it as well!!! Can’t remember if leo out of the beach had snake blood or venom! But hey whatever this is Thailand!!! Craziest thing yet……. Hahaha YET

Night out in lanta

Night started with a walk along the beach, relaxed as, no to hectic, flat out doing nothing as usual! Got invited to a party, some xpat hang out where everyone was a dive instructor, master or just arrived for a 6-month holiday WTF! Haha matt n jess left so chatted to some locals friendly as. A Scottish couple just bought a resort here n are doing it up, what a life! Got offered a job at a place about to be opened call jackaroos, not that keen but owner kept buying me beers so what the hell! Hahaha. Got a scooter ride home with some other ppl I just met, 2’s company on a scooter but 3 dodge as hahaha!!!

Been here in koh lanta for a bit now been so nice relaxing, eating from the on street food venters, and pretty much flat out doing bugger all! The food here is amazing! An old lady selling meat balls n snags on a stich covered in chilli sauce, epic at 10 bart! Our favourite place so far is a little place on the street with the best fruit shakes, and noodles, soup n curries! The food here still blows me away, so much flavour n so tasty all the time! The food looks like it’s going to kill you, sitting on the bench all night just waiting for someone to by it, steered away from most places with chicken pre cooked. But we have all been pretty adventurous with what we’ve been eating. No idea what we are ordering but mast of the time lush as.

Matt had a dish the other night in krabi “like no meat I’ve ever tasted!” haha. Same night jess got wailed buy a sneaky green chilly; it bought tears to her eyes for about 10 mins! I’ve never seen anyone react like that to a chilly!


  1. Hahaha oh Simon you make me laugh, so much excitement coming through in your writing...it's like you've been writing it on crack haha, and "had minerals n some other natural junk in the water"!! Sounds like you are having an amazing time though, I'm about 100000 times more jealous now!!

    And I notice you are almost tanned!! I bet it will all just burnt and peel off hehe....

  2. Great blog and photo's Simon!

    When I saw the link "simonstrippin" I read it as "Simon Strippin", I thought you were going to be photographing yourself naked around the world! ha.

    Your trip sounds great mate and your writing is definitely action packed! Keep it coming. :)

    Oh yeah your hair is looking crazy-as in that last photo! That's one of the best things about traveling you get to look like rip van winkle and it's sweet as!

    Be safe mate and have fun!

  3. Haha I think you start a spin off blog as "Simon Strippin"...I'm sure there'd be a niche market for that somewhere ;)
