Thursday, October 22, 2009

Dam hot!

Dam this place calls for some hectic amounts of lotions, screens, sprays n nets! E.g. get up in the morning put on sunscreen, then bushman’s bug repellent, which is that strong 2 mins after applying I can taste it in my mouth! Rank. Head into the sun more sunscreen; head anywhere that’s not the beach, bug stuff + sunscreen! Even bedtime more bug stuff check! Light citronella candle check! Make sure drink bottle is inside the bug net, check! Get in bug net, check! Fill the bug net with “Instakill, extreme tropical strength, kill everything spray”(napalm), check! And I still wake up bitten!! On top of that cause of all the stuff on my skin + sweat the sheets stick to me n I always wake up rolled tighter that a mykonos kebab! If anyone thinks of something I’ve forgotten please email me!

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