Saturday, October 24, 2009

Big day of firsts!
Still in koh lanta so good here all up 11 nights with a few more to go, epic! Yesterday we hired some bikes, no big, but I thought I’d try a manual for the first time, all good, bit sketch but not going to die, yet. We planned to go for a mission down the island and see a waterfall. On the way saw an English guy I’d met the night before, he hadn’t see much of the island yet so he hopped on the back of my scooter, first time for that as well! Real sketch at the start but I got the hang of it. The road to the waterfall was a mix of streets dirt tracks winding narrow roads n just kept getting worse, with massive ruts and at one point it was so steep Dan had to get off cause we’d topple over backwards. Their roads my old subi might not be able to handle! Not a street scooter with thin as tyres with 2 blokes on it! Haha was funny as but a few hairy moments!
Another first for me was seeing elephants! Woot so huge! We headed in search of the alleged waterfall, via almost getting lost a few times seeing a bat cave on the way, and Dan almost dying! We thought he’d been bitten but turned out to many beers the night before n not enough water, made him wig out, dizzy, tunnel vision, couldn’t see properly! The usual shit! Haha the waterfall was a bit shit but refreshing for a shower, the jungle was the best bit epic plants, huge trees, leaves my arm width across! Was sweet, and the noise, shrieks, buzzing, bugs doing their thing, was so loud! Couldn’t see any animals but prob didn’t want to! Bugs like basketballs the usual jungle caper.
Later that night went back to mong bar, the one with the snakes in bottles! Couldn’t resist! Dans crew came as well all Poms real nice bunch, had a few beers n the rest. Mong the owner came out with the snakes in bottles again n the Poms all had a go “when in rome”. Then cause he knew we had the snakes before he said you have to try this one, “makes you smart” was crushed monkeys brains, in alcohol! no shit! haha so of course I had a go! Bits of bone n junk in my mouth! Ahhh! Took a bit to overcome the idea, but whatever! n the night was only young!
The boys form the bar put on a fire show fire poy and fire staff, was really epic seeing good ppl doing it! Of course I had a go of both! Haha bit nervus n very hot but I didn’t catch myself on fire so happy days! Few more beers n other business, thought it was a good idea to have a go at fire breathing! Never done it so y not! The heat was insane and took me till this morning to get the taste out of my mouth n stop kero burping!!! Haha
N that’s my big day/night! Ask me about it I left some details out, got to leave some good storied for later!

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